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作者 wishxuso (驀)
標題 [外絮] 在聘請下一任教練前,湖人必須弄清的問題
時間 Sun May  5 03:48:07 2024

Six coaches in 13 years - What's behind this constant churn for the Los Angeles Lakers - ESPN
The Lakers will hire their seventh coach since 2011 as yet another summer of upheaval and searching begins. The question now is: Why does this keep ha ...


More than a decade after he was fired five games into the second year of his
Los Angeles Lakers coaching career, Mike Brown admitted he regretted taking
the job in the first place.

"If I could do it again," Brown said in an interview with Stephen Jackson and
Matt Barnes on the "All the Smoke" podcast, "I probably wouldn't."

在執教湖人的第二年第五場比賽後被解雇的十多年後,Mike Brown承認他後悔當初接受這

"如果可以重新來過,"Brown在"All Smoke"Podcast的一次訪談中對Stephen Jackson和
Matt· Barnes說道,"我可能不會這麼做。"

NBA Hall of Famer Phil Jackson was just too tough to follow, Brown explained.
No one could live up to the standard he had set in L.A. (five NBA titles) and
Chicago (six titles).

Brown had known that when he took the job in 2011. He had said as much during
his introductory news conference.

"I have great respect for Phil Jackson and all of his accomplishments," Brown
said. "I'm not sure what size shoe he wears. But I'm not here to fill his
shoes. I'm here to help this team and this organization carve our own path to
success." But acknowledging how much pressure there is on the head coach of
the Lakers and actually living through that pressure are two entirely
different things.

NBA名人堂成員Phil Jackson實在太難企及了,Brown解釋道。沒有人能達到他在洛杉磯(五

Mike Brown在2011年接受這份工作時就知道這一點。在他的入職新聞發布會上,他曾這樣說
。"我非常尊重Phil Jackson和他的所有成就,"Mike Brown說道,"我不知道他穿多大的
功的道路的。" 但是知道湖人隊總教練承受的壓力有多大跟實際上經歷這種壓力是完全不

Six coaches have tried to fill Jackson's shoes in the past 13 years. None has
lasted more than three seasons. Darvin Ham became the latest to take that fall
 when he was fired Friday after just two seasons, despite a 90-74 record and a
 Western Conference finals appearance last season.

Of those six, two went on to win NBA Coach of the Year awards in subsequent
jobs -- Brown with the Sacramento Kings last season and Mike D'Antoni with the
 Houston Rockets in 2018 -- suggesting it's not the quality of the coach that
determines success or failure on one of the NBA's biggest stages.

過去13年中已有六名教練試圖填補Phil Jackson的空缺。但沒有一個人能堅持超過三個賽季
。Darvin Ham成為最新一位僅兩個賽季就被解雇的教練,儘管他的戰績是90勝74負,去年

的Mike Brown以及2018年在休斯頓火箭隊的Mike D'Antoni在--這表明教練的水準並不是在

It's how the coach manages everything else that comes along with guiding the
NBA's glamour franchise. The star-first culture. The magnified lights. The
pressurized history.

But his tenure unraveled quickly in his second season.

James bristled at the idea of restricting his minutes at the start of the
season, sources said -- an idea that was noticeably scrapped after just a few

Throughout the season, James, Davis and other key rotation players barely
bothered to conceal criticisms of Ham's schemes, rotations and in-game

Ham在他執教的第一個賽季表現出色,巧妙地引導著球隊走過了Russell Westbrook時期的
尷尬,與球隊的超級巨星LeBron James和Anthony Davis建立了穩固的聯繫,並帶領球隊




After Game 2 of the Lakers' first-round series loss to the Denver Nuggets,
Davis said bluntly: "We have stretches where we don't know what we're doing on
 both ends of the floor."

Ham told ESPN he spoke to Davis privately before defending himself and his
staff publicly. But the damage had been done. Five nights later James
underscored the lack of faith in Ham by stomping his feet in frustration when
Ham refused to use his coach's challenge on a play where James insisted they
would win.

They were just two examples in a season long on barely-beneath-the-surface
griping. But they were exceptionally visible displays from the team's most
visible stars, and ultimately there was no coming back from it.


Ham告訴ESPN,他私下和Anthony Davis交談後公開為自己和他的工作人員辯護。但損害已

五天後, Ham拒絕在一場LeBron認為他們會贏的比賽中使用他的挑戰時,LeBron沮喪地跺


And so another summer of churn begins. The question the Lakers must ask
themselves now is why -- and how to come back from yet another short, failed
coaching stint.

Years ago, Lakers governor Jeanie Buss told ESPN that it's important to find a
 coach and stick with him long enough to grow and develop an identity and
style of play.

That was several coaches and countless roster iterations ago. Each hiring and
firing was different, but the pattern has remained the same.


多年前,湖人隊董事長Jeanie Buss告訴ESPN,找到一名教練並與他合作足夠長的時間以


After last season's playoff run, general manager Rob Pelinka emphasized re-

signing the team's own free agents -- Rui Hachimura, Austin Reaves and D'
Angelo Russell -- rather than trading for a third star or pursuing more high-
profile free agents.

L.A. brought back Ham and his staff and hoped they'd build off of last year's
run. Early on, it seemed possible, as the Lakers won the inaugural in-season

Then, once again, the season unraveled. Injuries mounted. Ham tinkered with
his lineups to try to recapture the defensive intensity that had driven last
year's success. But instead of sparking a resurgence, Ham sparked resentment.
Players started venting their frustrations publicly and privately.

Eventually it became obvious Ham would be the one to pay the price if L.A.
lost early in the playoffs.

在上個賽季的季後賽之後,總經理Robert Pelinka強調重新簽下球隊自己的自由球員—八
村壘、Austin Reaves和D'Angelo Russell--而不是交易第三名球星或追求更多知名的自




It was so obvious that Nuggets coach Michael Malone tried to put in a good
word for Ham at his news conference after Denver's series-ending win Monday

"I think Darvin Ham is a hell of a coach," Malone said after Game 5. "That's
not an easy job. I think Darvin does it with class. He's a good man, good
coach, and I wish him all the best. Hopefully, he'll be around there for a
long time because he deserves to be."

Four days later, Ham was fired.

事態如此明顯,以至於金塊教練Michael Malone在周一晚上結束系列賽的賽後的新聞會上



Malone had faced a similar crossroads back in 2018, when the Nuggets lost Game
 83 to the Minnesota Timberwolves and missed the playoffs. The Nuggets came
close to firing him after the season, sources said. But ultimately the team
decided to run it back and give him another chance. It still took two more
seasons for Malone and Denver to make a conference finals and five more for
them to win a championship, however.

The Nuggets are now the class of the NBA with soon-to-be three-time MVP Nikola
 Jokic, the NBA's fourth-longest-tenured coach and a championship core that's
mostly under contract for two more seasons.


金塊現在是NBA的佼佼者,有著即將成為三次MVP的Nikola Jokic,NBA現役任期第四長的

Continuity matters. Fourteen of the team's 17 championships were won by three

That kind of patience and stability is a luxury in the NBA. Everyone strives
for it, but very few franchises achieve it.

The Lakers have tried and failed to find it six times since Jackson retired in

Everyone who has taken the job says they know what they're getting into. From
Kobe Bryant to LeBron James, and everyone and everything in between, no one
the franchise has hired has been able to withstand it.

Before the Lakers hire their next coach, they need to figure out why.



自從2011年Phil Jackson退休以來,湖人隊已經嘗試了六次並且通通失敗了。

曾經接受這份工作的每個人都說他們知道自己在做什麼。從Kobe Bryant到LeBron James


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: wishxuso 2024-05-05 03:48:07
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1cDf3xwh (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1714852091.A.EAB.html
※ 同主題文章:
[外絮] 在聘請下一任教練前,湖人必須弄清的問題
05-05 03:48 wishxuso
cado0824: malone沒有公開批評球員,拿ham和malone比太侮辱人ham都幾次了
老河流嘴球員還知道用影射的,ham的資歷地位不能和老河比就已經會指名道姓了1F 05/05 03:51
Smush: 馬龍也會火腿的愛將籃球嘛?5F 05/05 03:53
axi: 批評是已經知道要離開 所以直接撕破臉了吧6F 05/05 03:53
BignoZe: 忍到季後賽才罵已經脾氣很好了7F 05/05 03:54
cado0824: 他批評AD時才第二場
雞湯可以不用 至少不要嘴自己球員8F 05/05 03:54
※ 編輯: wishxuso ( 臺灣), 05/05/2024 03:55:52
samuelass: 可以觀察火腿之後啊 會不會離開湖人後起飛11F 05/05 03:55
hanslins: 還沒下臺前直接公開批評球員這種教練能用嗎?我即12F 05/05 03:56
EZ78: 嘴自己球員其實不是不行 問題是Ham的方式很糟糕13F 05/05 03:56
hanslins: 使再不爽也不會做出公開批評前公司的事,因這只會讓現任老闆討厭擔心14F 05/05 03:56
samuelass: 得COY但沒奪冠 對球隊有什麼好處16F 05/05 03:57
BignoZe: 打到季後賽還讓自己主將不知道在幹嘛也是滿厲害的17F 05/05 03:57
EZ78: 他的公關能力可能是所有教練裡面我看到最爛的18F 05/05 03:57
BronyXrG: 後來執教出成績的教練明明都蹲好幾年19F 05/05 03:58
BignoZe: Ham講幹話的功力還不到家 會惹到別人 如果是波波就20F 05/05 03:58
BronyXrG: 這文章講的好像離開湖人馬上起飛21F 05/05 03:58
BignoZe: 安全下莊了22F 05/05 03:58
EZ78: 這倒是真的 這篇文就只有一句話比較重要
“Continuity Matters”23F 05/05 03:58
hanslins: 火腿連一個社會人如何在社會生存都做不好怎麼跟那些球星溝通?25F 05/05 03:58
cado0824: 火腿最大的問題是總教練不懂得溝通就算了
他被拍到很多次暫停不知道戰術版要畫什麼戰術其他人看他等時間過去27F 05/05 03:59
hanslins: 你可以講幹活但不要公開批評老闆,更不要公開批評球員,因為這樣做毫無幫助,只會讓問題更加複雜31F 05/05 04:00
cado0824: 這時候他知道閉嘴省得尷尬,怎麼記者會上反過來33F 05/05 04:01
samuelass: 如果火腿有養成能力我相信湖人還會給機會 問題是他只會愛將34F 05/05 04:01
EZ78: 沒啦 會批評自家球員的很多 但大部分都是球員很清楚自己該被批評的時候 Ham比較像火上加油lol
鱸魚整個下半季都在噴自家球員齁36F 05/05 04:02
hanslins: 即使我現在再如何討厭西門,老河流跟鉛筆公開批評也是有夠蠢的決定?你這樣有啥好處,如果不是籃網蠢,賣都賣不掉39F 05/05 04:03
EZ78: PG:”我們沒找到我們的identity”
Lue:”有啊 我們很soft”
他就沒怕過的 溝通能力的問題42F 05/05 04:03
samuelass: 還很會把對的人放在錯的位置 做一些事倍功半的事45F 05/05 04:04
BignoZe: 嘴砲的功力有差 lol46F 05/05 04:04
mtmmy: So damn EXCITED!!!!!!!!47F 05/05 04:04
hanslins: 鱸魚的批判是球員整體,他比較不會單獨拿出來批48F 05/05 04:04
strayer014: AD的頂級肉眼可見 不找一些藍領幫他減壓就算了還嘴秋 事後被遷怒踢掉真的是剛好49F 05/05 04:04
EZ78: 沒啦 Lue也會單獨拿出來嘴 只是就
我也不知道他怎麼做到那幾個巨星聽得下去的 他很猛51F 05/05 04:05
hanslins: 球隊沒有鬥志不夠強硬這球員能接受,但火腿他是直接針對個人,蠢到爆53F 05/05 04:06
EZ78: 當年1-3 鱸魚也是直接在休息室噴LBJ做不夠好
而且那時LBJ其實已經打很好了 鱸魚就是能做到這些球星能聽進他的話55F 05/05 04:07
samuelass: 火腿就是私心而已 然後最後直接不演58F 05/05 04:07
hanslins: 尤其你球隊老大生氣了,你去幫對手講話?有夠愚蠢59F 05/05 04:07
EZ78: Ham就溝通能力不足 公關能力又爛
批評自家球員只是小事60F 05/05 04:07
strayer014: 嘴人本來就要對事後帶入人,nothing personal 是基62F 05/05 04:09
hanslins: 當時鱸魚噴喇叭,我能接受,因為比較像激將法,火63F 05/05 04:09
strayer014: 本的64F 05/05 04:09
doublepigg: 光是輪替就看得出有問題了 而且有雙星還健康的情況65F 05/05 04:09
hanslins: 腿給我感覺就是風涼話66F 05/05 04:09
doublepigg: 戰績只有這樣67F 05/05 04:09
samuelass: 問題絕對不是只有公關 他是趁勢拿到湖人這幾年教練前所未有的權力後開始搞私心調度68F 05/05 04:10
EZ78: 就激將法風涼話有時就一線之隔 能力差距70F 05/05 04:11
hanslins: 當時喇叭很拼,鱸魚是鞭打他還不夠,而火腿是直接在AD頭上澆冷水71F 05/05 04:11
EZ78: 公關跟溝通火腿是真的爛到笑 毫無疑問73F 05/05 04:12
samuelass: 而這都要拜我哥所賜 當初珍妮羞辱式開除 包括後來新教練面試 閨蜜藍比斯還是繼續搞74F 05/05 04:12
EZ78: 用人有偏好不奇怪 問題是你要怎麼說服全隊
鱸魚用了一整季的愛將MM 快艇休息室還全部挺他76F 05/05 04:12
axi: 球員出身的教練比較懂怎麼罵 球員聽得進去...78F 05/05 04:13
EZ78: 幹他是真的很神奇
問題就是 Ham也是球員出身啊XD79F 05/05 04:13
strayer014: 有沒有可能火腿也知道準備被火 不如先嘴為快81F 05/05 04:14
hanslins: 所以我才說火腿誰要誰快搶,他在湖人打磨一翻下任工作權力會限縮,有被釘的火腿其實還能用82F 05/05 04:14
mtmmy: 因為1-3罵完真的逆轉了 當然不會是問題84F 05/05 04:14
EZ78: 沒有 Lue一直以來已經不只一次展現過他的溝通能力了 他的休息室永遠都跟鬼一樣85F 05/05 04:15
axi: Ime帶青賽時 少爺們表現不好 罵幾位少爺也沒事XD87F 05/05 04:15
hanslins: 原本火腿就是以雞湯流安撫龜龜才能當總教,結果他的雞湯後來都臭了88F 05/05 04:16
axi: 還以為是球員出身懂得跟球員溝通呢@@90F 05/05 04:16
EZ78: Udoka同一套帶去火箭一樣有效
真的就是能力差距91F 05/05 04:16
hanslins: 火腿跟喇叭一起比賽過,當然是球員93F 05/05 04:17
samuelass: 火腿直接不甩你佩總操盤來的人 繼續我行我素實驗
他的實驗陣容很多都毫無邏輯94F 05/05 04:17
hanslins: 他就雞湯流教練雞湯臭酸,不被開除才是災難97F 05/05 04:18
samuelass: 包括奇怪的換人調度導致下半場崩盤
你雙星擦屁股偶爾一兩場還好 擦整季誰不爆炸98F 05/05 04:19
GleybeTorres: 像是horn chicago打到金塊痛點
因為扯到湖人就有流量啊199F 05/05 08:46
justaID: NBA總教練學燉雞湯很重要.... 燉不好至少要學好讀空氣和控制媒體上的公關說話,火腿這點沒學好,反駁AD的那次發言很令人傻眼202F 05/05 08:51
alittleghost: 火腿到底惹毛了幾個球員啊205F 05/05 08:53

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