作者 love1500274 (CoWuCoWu)
標題 [情報] E.Bates和 V.Williams Jr.遞補新秀挑戰賽
時間 Thu Feb 15 15:08:46 2024


Cleveland Cavaliers Two-Way forward Emoni Bates will replace injured NBA G
League Ignite forward Ron Holland on Team Detlef in the 2024 Panini Rising


騎士雙向球員Emoni Bates 遞補 Ron Holland 進入新秀挑戰賽


Memphis Grizzlies guard Vince Williams Jr. will replace injured New Orleans
Pelicans guard Dyson Daniels on Team Tamika in the 2024 Panini Rising Stars,
which will take place on Friday, Feb. 16 at 9 p.m. ET on TNT.


灰熊Vince Williams Jr. 遞補 Dyson Daniels 進入新秀挑戰賽

更新後新秀挑戰賽名單: https://imgur.com/BBYrKtK  (*為缺席球員)

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: love1500274 2024-02-15 15:08:46
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1bpRY0oE (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1707980928.A.C8E.html
chihlee5566: 極度吸引眼球1F 02/15 15:09
Sessyoin: 某代2k必選新秀2F 02/15 15:10
Y225: 雙向球員都能打3F 02/15 15:10
Kyrieisme: 我的 阿~罵~尼4F 02/15 15:10
tim19990312: Holland不打可惜了5F 02/15 15:17
peter89000: Holland也怕被驗貨?6F 02/15 15:22
tim19990312: 應該是受傷 好幾場沒打了7F 02/15 15:26
karmel: 曾經的本梯預測狀元8F 02/15 15:30
pippen2002: who? what? when? how?9F 02/15 18:10
rkilo: Pau那隊好強10F 02/15 18:25

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