作者 kevin0316 (K桑)
標題 Re: [情報] Max對賓士的超大合約不感興趣
時間 Mon Jul 29 00:09:09 2024

※ 引述《chrisplash (Renka is Life)》之銘言:
: https://reurl.cc/LWMzKx
: “My future is within Red Bull at the moment. Even if that were to be the
: case [earning €150m], money would not be the difference to make me go
: somewhere else,” Verstappen told the written press in Miami, including
: Total-Motorsport.com.
: A reporter chimed in asking if £213m (€250m) would be enough to tempt him,
: but Verstappen was adamant in his response: “250? No. I’m happy with what I
: ’m earning already.
: “I know myself, and if I’m driving for P5 or P6, you get quite grumpy with
: yourself. It’s always about performances at the end of the day, everyone
: knows that and Toto also knows that.”
: Max:你們的車實在太慢了,給我250M我也不開






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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: kevin0316 2024-07-29 00:09:09
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1cfcqjAz (FORMULA1)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/FORMULA1/M.1722182957.A.2BD.html
blairchief: 邁阿密之後我就有在認真想這個問題欸
只要他願意 他不用應徵吧XD 但我怕他一天到晚跟糾舉吵1F 07/29 00:11
gully: 他去也是他當王  63當老二4F 07/29 00:13
mclarenjpn: 來我邁凱輪車隊,荷蘭橘配木瓜橘5F 07/29 00:13
kingcatkuo: XDDDDDD 確實欸6F 07/29 00:17
bugler1989: 橘的統一7F 07/29 00:21
chan184966: 他不用應徵,人家捧著offer等他==8F 07/29 00:26
SDCAT: TOTO應該是隨時在等電話 (?9F 07/29 00:26
blairchief: 講個小插曲 匈牙利站賓士工作人員不小心「誤停」在Max的車位:)10F 07/29 00:28
cuteboy814: Toto 應該會讓 Max 隨時可以玩 iracing12F 07/29 00:29
JKjohnwick: 嘴爛13F 07/29 00:41
forgr202: 老哥 這場是因為有罰退吧= =14F 07/29 01:21
theRice: 兩位賓士積分加起來還輸Max呢XD15F 07/29 01:37
RICEFINCH: 退10位…..所以換新引擎還是強啦16F 07/29 01:39
Inar: 紅牛去年那種狀況才叫做強,今年到賽季中段沒有什麼優勢...17F 07/29 08:18
bitcheggs: 應該只有他想不想 沒有對方不要他的狀況18F 07/29 08:36
kay00503: 這場排位快那麼多19F 07/29 08:43
mamotte99: 排位賽下雨 不太能比較吧20F 07/29 09:05
YoAg: 排位賽下雨紅牛用高下壓力設定影響到正賽吧21F 07/29 09:11
JOHN117: 去跟懶墮組成黃金搭檔啊22F 07/29 09:26
