作者 polanco (polanco)
標題 [分享] Kershaw今天投模擬賽 球速達到88-89英哩
時間 Fri Jun 14 12:03:29 2024

#Dodgers LHP Clayton Kershaw’s fastball hit 88-89 mph during three-inning simul
ated game, which is “right where it usually is,” P coach Mark Prior said. Kers
haw threw some changeups and two-seamers too. Asked if he will return with 5-pit
ch mix, Kershaw said, “maybe 4 1/4.”


今天Kershaw投了三局的模擬比賽,速球最快88-89英哩,投手教練Mark Prior表示是正常狀



“Every box has been checked to this point, but I’m not getting my hopes up yet
. There’s a lot that can happen in the next few weeks.” #Dodgers LHP Clayton K
ershaw will begin minor lg rehab stint next week, his next big step in return fr
om shoulder surgery.




※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: polanco 2024-06-14 12:03:29
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1cQy4L8Z (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1718337813.A.223.html
※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 06/14/2024 12:04:19
dd1115dd1115: 穩了
宇宙艦隊1F 06/14 12:04
edhuang: 4又1/4 XD3F 06/14 12:05
userYuEyUe: 老柯回來也是重在參與吧
季後賽敢讓他上嗎4F 06/14 12:08
WasJohnWall: 大學長準備好了6F 06/14 12:15
k33536: 如果是卡特 可以接受7F 06/14 12:17
OneSong: 書僮回來意義大於實質戰力吧8F 06/14 12:22
poasdm:9F 06/14 12:23
hua0122: 摸到150 扛4、5號應該可以10F 06/14 12:23
nadleeh: 老人球11F 06/14 12:24
WildandTough: 應該每次扛個5局還ok吧 再多大概就不太行了12F 06/14 12:30
ultratimes: 這球速例行賽可以,季後賽就等被炸13F 06/14 12:36
Cueto: 他去年就剩91了吧 加上退化其實差不多14F 06/14 12:48
bdgnrd0103: 例行賽殺手回來了15F 06/14 12:52
RWT512: 博士都有1.5個的,球種有4又1/4很奇怪嗎16F 06/14 12:55
s1031629: Ithrow 88
書僮現在要他摸到150大概得奇蹟了17F 06/14 12:58
kano2525: 他去年就差不多這個球速了
傷後回歸就變成ithrow8819F 06/14 13:05
ccf0423: 控球和變化球好,轉型軟左還是可以生存21F 06/14 13:26
sunnyyoung: 速球不行了22F 06/14 13:55
hi923310: 回來每場先發吃個5局就該知足了23F 06/14 14:07
cv120345: 去年130局防禦率是很夠水準的2.46有隊伍的四五號這麼強?24F 06/14 15:21
HWtseng: 即使退化,但去年這成績,續投也沒問題。25F 06/14 17:22

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