作者 zxc906383 (無無)
標題 [情報] 小熊教頭:給鈴木誠也一些時間調整
時間 Mon Aug  7 14:53:33 2023

Cubs' Seiya Suzuki: Playing time slipping - CBSSports.com
Cubs' Seiya Suzuki: Playing time slipping ...


Suzuki is out of the lineup for Sunday's game against Atlanta, Andy Martinez of
Marquee Sports Network reports.

Suzuki finds himself on the bench for the second game in a row and for the fourt
h time in the Cubs' past six contests. Mike Tauchman receives another start in r
ight field while Christopher Morel serves as the designated hitter and Nick Madr
igal starts at third base.


Cubs: David Ross explains decision to bench Seiya Suzuki during hot streak
The Cubs have been on a roll lately, but the same can't be said for Seiya Suzuki, whose benching was recently explained by David Ross ...


Ross wouldn't label Suzuki's time out of the lineup as a benching, and explained
 he is simply giving the Japanese stud time to figure things out.

“He knows he needs to work on some things. It’s hard to do that in-game. We’l
l give him some time, and he’ll be back in there when we feel like he can help
us win games…It could turn in a day. We’ll talk to the hitting guys, talk to h
im and continue to watch batting practice. I don’t think it’s anything long-te
rm. We’re in a position where some other guys are swinging the bat well, and we
’re fortunate to have guys who are playing well.” – David Ross, The Athletic

總教練David Ross表示要這是給他一些時間調整



             平均擊球初速     最大擊球初速    強勁擊球比例      出色擊球比例
吉田正尚       PR42             PR80            PR57               PR28
鈴木誠也       PR83             PR95            PR84               PR56


               XwOBA          預期打擊率         預期長打率
吉田正尚        PR72            PR89               PR66
鈴木誠也        PR48            PR56               PR37

但預期結果卻被吉田海放= =

              三振率           保送率          揮空率          追打壞球率
吉田正尚       PR97             PR32            PR91               PR63
鈴木誠也       PR29             PR75            PR65               PR91

              跑速           防守OAA           臂力             外野跳躍
吉田正尚       PR26             PR10            PR54               PR10
鈴木誠也       PR78             PR73            PR87               PR92


5yr/$85M+ $14.625M轉隊費=$99.625M
2022 27歲 $13M
2023 28歲 $17M
2024 29歲 $20M
2025 30歲 $18M
2026 31歲 $18M

5yr/$90M+ $15.375M轉隊費=$105.375M
2023 29歲 $18M
2024 30歲 $18M
2025 31歲 $18M
2026 32歲 $18M
2027 33歲 $18M


鈴木誠也 AB:337 OPS+92   9HR
吉田正尚 AB:382 OPS+124 12HR

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zxc906383 2023-08-07 14:53:33
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1aq9JlBk (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1691391215.A.2EE.html
DerekHolland: 再給我兩分鐘1F 08/07 14:56
Clarist: 小熊最近氣勢正旺 先發暫時沒啥必要換2F 08/07 14:57
dai26: 確實該好好調整一下,低迷將近二個月了,期待九月大爆發,季後賽不能沒有你3F 08/07 15:17
WasJohnWall: 增重失敗5F 08/07 15:18
tree748596: 你列出的進階數據全部都是結果,不是他這季表現不出色的原因,不要導果為因6F 08/07 15:38
Kyameron: 太久沒有揉了???8F 08/07 15:56
Hiabtd: 真神奇
阿有啦,三振率跟保送率是結果啦,阿這也不叫全部阿9F 08/07 16:04
tree748596: 呵呵,進階數據派15F 08/07 16:28
DendiQ: 每個球擊出去後除了看擊球初速還要看擊球仰角,你只列擊球初速而已啊
而且還有三振保送,誠也打擊率上壘率被海放16F 08/07 16:37
killua0209: 吉田正尚的:https://i.imgur.com/spT98ND.jpg
鈴木誠也的:https://i.imgur.com/gkBTi8t.jpg19F 08/07 16:43
DendiQ: 看 xwOBACON 確實是誠也打出去的球品質比較好21F 08/07 16:44
spreesell6: 吉田的反向攻擊是他最大優勢,能把跟不上的球打成反向安打22F 08/07 17:50
Kangaroo09: 真的不是印象派 他真的好幾十球都被接爆 那段時間大家都說很雖
數據顯示就真的是這樣了24F 08/07 17:54

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